Top 10k strings from Death Reprieve + Time Machine (1984)(5D Software).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Compilations - Utilities & Educational & Various / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Compilations - Various - [TZX] (TOSEC-v2006-06-06) /

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   3 "         
   2 r$,n,s,e,w
   2 Time      (#
   2 Reprive   (#
   2 ;"Well Done"
   2 ;"By Angus Appleby"
   2 "You have:"
   2 "You don't have a ";y$
   2 "You cannot do that here"
   2 "You are carrying too much"
   2 "What now?-";
   2 "Exits are ";
   2 "3")="sta"
   2 "23613",p:
   1 zz,o$(zz):
   1 y$="sword"
   1 y$="spade"
   1 y$="pair of gloves":
   1 y$="pair of glasses":
   1 time=time+.5
   1 the Police Station,  not far from your cell.s
   1 t$(n)=o$(z):
   1 t$(n)=o$(r):
   1 radio  ticket grenadekey    spade  coin   glassesthorn  gloves chest  
   1 p         Q
   1 p         
   1 o$(r)="nothing"
   1 o$(n)=t$(z):
   1 o$(n),o(n):
   1 nothing                             tin opener 
   1 d$="shout"
   1 d$="score"
   1 a$="Time Machine"
   1 a boxed shaped rooms
   1 Time Machine
   1 Don't be silly"
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 ;"saved from the"
   1 ;"restart tape";
   1 ;"nothing"
   1 ;"by Angus Appleby.."
   1 ;"Welcome"
   1 ;"Time Machine"
   1 ;"Surely you want another go?"
   1 ;"STOP THE TAPE"; :
   1 ;"Press any key to continue."
   1 ;"Press any key to continue"
   1 ;"Presents"
   1 ;"Please Stop The Tape"
   1 ;"Please Start The Tape"
   1 ;"Inventory"
   1 ;"Death Reprive"
   1 ;"All I can say now is GOOD LUCK      (and happy adventuring)"
   1 ;"A Spectrum 16/48K Adventure."
   1 ;"A 16K Spectrum adventure."
   1 ;"(AT LAST)"
   1 ;"'Death Reprieve' is loading.";
   1 ;"            "
   1 ,"wear",3000
   1 ,"unlock",2700
   1 ,"ticket",999
   1 ,"throw",2400
   1 ,"thorn",17
   1 ,"take",2150
   1 ,"switch",3100
   1 ,"spade",24
   1 ,"push",3300
   1 ,"pull",3300
   1 ,"play",3100
   1 ,"open",2700
   1 ,"key",999
   1 ,"insert",2500
   1 ,"grenade",19
   1 ,"gloves",999
   1 ,"glasses",999
   1 ,"give",2800
   1 ,"examine",3400
   1 ,"drop",2220
   1 ,"coin",999
   1 ,"chest",9
   1 "the vault of a bank, there is a safe in the corner.",0
   1 "the place where the  time machine appeared",
   1 "the Police Station,  not far from your cell.",11
   1 "read",3200
   1 "get",2150
   1 "an unusual room,whereballoons bar the way south.",9
   1 "an empty meat hangar",
   1 "an electrical shop,  many wires are sparking about.",0
   1 "an army + navy storesmuch weaponry lies on the floor.",0
   1 "an archway",
   1 "a wishing well place",
   1 "a wholly smoke filledroom,you can see nothing.",0
   1 "a very smoky,pollutedarea.(cough,splutter)",15
   1 "a very dank and dull alleyway-with no signs of life.",0
   1 "a spotty room",
   1 "a snooker hall",
   1 "a smelly sewage plant(pooh!!).",19
   1 "a small north/south  lane.",12
   1 "a small excavation   site.",23
   1 "a rundown cul-de-sac,on the corner of two roads.",1
   1 "a room,roped off eastwards",
   1 "a room with a keyholewestwards",
   1 "a room where a tinmanblocks the way east",
   1 "a pawn shop,an old   man is patiently standing there.",17
   1 "a pantry",
   1 "a mean looking ghettosigns of alcohol are commonplace",0
   1 "a main crossroads,   where a turnstile bars the way  west.",16
   1 "a large,bare area of waste ground.",0
   1 "a large flower gardencentre,by the roses.",0
   1 "a kitchen",
   1 "a key cutting shop",
   1 "a kennel area,which adog is guarding",
   1 "a joiner's shop,on a very high shelf is a few tickets",0
   1 "a garden shed,full ofold tools.",0
   1 "a fruit stand",
   1 "a football stadium,  you can almost hear the crowd.",0
   1 "a flower garden",
   1 "a dishevalled lock uplots of junk is lying around.",7
   1 "a dis-used play park,the swings and chutes are broken",0
   1 "a dank alleyway",
   1 "a computer terminal,asensitive sound box triggers theway east.",21
   1 "a cloakroom",
   1 "a carpark which holdsup to 300 cars.",0
   1 "a boxmaker's hideout.",10
   1 "a boxed shaped room",
   1 "a big shopping arcadewhere you see many well known   stores.",26
   1 "a 'droid repair room",
   1 "Your time is up.":
   1 "Your Uncle Bri,a great scientisthas left you in charge of his   house for a short time.         While exploring his labs. you   accidentaly trigger off his     greatest project."
   1 "You stand on the chest to get it"
   1 "You open the door":
   1 "You must somehow recover the    starter,fix it into the machine and find the secret code which  will transport you back to 1984."
   1 "You haven't the combination.":
   1 "You haven't got a lawyer.":
   1 "You had better do your best and plan everything carefully.      The command 'time' will tell youhow long you have been searching"
   1 "You finally find a tunnel under the ground,by the  entrance is a piece of paper.":
   1 "You cut the rope":
   1 "You cannot read the ";y$:
   1 "You are now wearing them.":
   1 "You are now wearing them,and cansee a small coin in the corner.":
   1 "You are not strong enough.":
   1 "You are in ";r
   1 "What does ";x$;" mean?"
   1 "What a fruitless attempt.":
   1 "Very,very,very sensible indeed."
   1 "There is here:";o$(r)
   1 "There is here:"
   1 "The turnstile creaks round and  a small piece of paper falls":
   1 "The tinman laughs at your poor  bribe and splats you":
   1 "The time so far is ";time;" hours.":
   1 "The thorn pricks and poisons you":
   1 "The shot rebounded":
   1 "The safe blows open.":
   1 "The noise of the radio activatesthe sound box.":
   1 "The man scurries away,then comesback with a pair of glasses.":
   1 "The letter is not complete.":
   1 "The dog growls at your feeble   bribe and bites you":
   1 "The adventure itself has the    usual adventure type commands   (get,examine,give etc.).So thereis no real difficulty in tellingthe computer what to do."
   1 "The actual person that committedthis dreadful crime has hanged  himself,thus no-one can prove   that it was him."
   1 "The Police are allowing you     twenty four hours of freedom to try to recover the three parts  of the confession."
   1 "That object is not present"
   1 "Should you input the wrong code three times the safety mechanismwill go and the machine will    self destruct-So beware."
   1 "Number of parts of confession=";lt
   1 "Now here is the good news:-"
   1 "It's just an ordinary ";y$:
   1 "It's just an ordinary ";y$
   1 "It is a time machine and you    have been zapped into an unknowntime.The time machine,starter,  and you were separated on impact"
   1 "Inside it is a pair of gloves.":
   1 "If you do not manage this simpletask,then the electric chair    awaits your company."
   1 "I do not understand ";x$
   1 "However,rumour has it that he   left behind him a confession.   This could have been your only  chance."
   1 "He accepts the ham":
   1 "He accepts the gun":
   1 "First the bad news:-                                            You have wrongly been accused ofmurder,and are now in the local constabulary under surveillance."
   1 "Don't be silly"
   1 "But,the letter was torn into    three parts and lost around the city just after his death."
   1 "A sword suddenly appears":
   1 "A balloon bursts,revealing a    small piece of paper.":
   1 "8";"You are dead!!!"
   1 "8";"Very wise-Goodbye":
   1 "7";"You are dead!!!"
   1 "7","starter 
   1 "6";"You are dead!!!"
   1 "5");sx,sy
   1 "4";"That was pretty fantastic":
   1 "4","tin opener 
   1 "3";"Do you wish to return??????"
   1 "3")=o$(r,
   1 "3")="tin"
   1 "3")="sword 
   1 "2900","shoot",
   1 "2800","read",
   1 "2800","examine",
   1 "2700","insert",
   1 "2600","give",
   1 "2400","throw",
   1 "2400","open",
   1 "23613",84
   1 "2300","unlock",
   1 "2300","cut",
   1 "2150","take",
   1 "2150","drop",
   1 "19","gun 
   1 "17","coin 
   1 "14";"   "
   1 "13","bone 
   1 "11","key 
   1 "10";"TELEPORTING"
   1 "10";"Off you go"
   1 "10";"Inventory"
   1 "0";"You have 3 guesses to input the code before the time machine    self destructs"
   1 "0";"You are in ";r
   1 "0";"That was not correct"
   1 "'winoes corner',wherea lot of drunks hang out.",0
   1        starter 
   1             ham 
   1                   gun 
   1                    bone 
   1                                        key 
   1                                           coin 